Cross of Iron

Cross of Iron

Captain Stransky, you are the rest of my platoon

German commander Hauptmann Stransky (Maximilian Schell) places a squad in extreme danger after Sergeant Rolf Steiner (James Coburn) refuses to lie for him.

Genre: Drama History War
Keywords: Iron Cross Genital Mutilation German Soldier Military Decoration Retreat War Atrocity Soldier Child Soldier 1940s Dirty Face Man Hits A Woman Wartime Rape Blond Boy Carl Von Clausewitz Quotation Mosel Wine Drunk Soldier Urination Amputated Hand Mortar Reference To Immanuel Kant Father Figure Teenage Boy Shell Shock Kuban Russia Army Nurse Trench Warfare Class Differences Based On Novel Independent Film Female Topless Nudity Killing One's Troops Laughter Polishing A Shoe Shot Repeatedly Harmonica Motorcycle With A Sidecar Train Track Woman Wears A Man's Shirt War Crime Medal Of Honor Family Honor War Criminal War Hero Nazi Officer Nazi Colonel Nazi Symbol 20th Century World War Two Soldier Enemy Weapon Behind Enemy Lines Soldier Killed Shot To Death Rear Nudity Taking A Bath Reference To Bertolt Brecht Female Rear Nudity Death Of A Child Unwashed Person Nco Non Commissioned Officer Pow Prisoner Of War Coburn And Mason Mason And Schell Birthday Cake Sexual Extortion Anti War Sentiment Action Hero Aristocratic Officer German Army Arrogant Officer War Drama Satire Comedy Pet Rat Platoon Leader Russian Tank Crossing A Bridge Russian Army Derelict Building Transfer Order Army Captain Revenge Murder Military Checkpoint Futility Of War Army Colonel Army Corporal Forced Fellatio Attempted Rape Brave Soldier Epic War Class Conflict Russian Front Epilogue Closeted Gay Man Army General Homosexual Blackmail Army Infantry Division Male Male Kiss Army Lieutenant Blood Lust Sex With A Nurse Stolen Valor Army Private Prussian Soldier Army Sergeant Reference To Siberia Reference To Syphilis Army Volunteer Betrayal Trial Party Execution Ritual Fight Punishment Disguise Gay Male Character Bare Chested Male Contraband Abuse Commander Eastern Front Lie Coward Ambition Reconnaissance Platoon Honor Battle Combat Artillery Fire Filth Strafing Nazi Flag Facial Wound Close Up Of Eye Straight Razor Homosexual Kiss T 34 Tank Luger Garrote Aerial Bombardment Archive Footage Child Shot In The Chest Child With A Gun Gun Battle Gunfight War Violence Blood Splatter Slow Motion Scene Cannon Fodder Forest Vodka Group Murder Crimea Gore Chaos Hand Crank Telephone Automatic Weapon Brutality Knife Foxhole First Lieutenant Rabbit Dying Telephone Call Gun Intimidation Barbed Wire Mustard Gas Lilli Marlene Sexual Sadism Letter Mass Destruction Castration Sense Of Smell Capture Flashback Cattle Car Bitterness Cynicism Horse Bayonet Arm Injury Nurse Beating Corpse Stronghold Tunnel Demarcation Undressing Train Blood Gunfire Barricade Mirror Concussion Evacuation Mercilessness Drunkenness Corruption Bullet Hospital Cruelty Commandant Hatred Shell Splinter Song Mass Murder Bunk Bed Unconsciousness Sadism Bunker Singing Ruling Class Mascot Hiding Assault Party Loneliness Investigation Strangulation Falling Into A River Hand To Hand Combat Hallucination Despair Pistol Sadist Gestapo Bathtub Dancing Survivor Radio Slapped In The Face Irony Mud Freeze Frame Nightmare Disciplinary Hearing Fire Shelling Fellatio Year 1943 Orders To Kill Wound Wehrmacht Swastika Stuck In Mud Salute Rocket Launcher Rifle No Man's Land Murder Military Uniform Military Promotion Military Headquarters Massacre Friendly Fire France Female Soldier Crawling Bazooka Battlefield Battle Fatigue Battalion Army Outpost Ammunition Air Raid Shelter Reference To Adolf Hitler Dead Soldier Cult Film Bombardment Nazi Soldier Gunshot Wound Combat Casualty Injury Fatal Injury Tank Fighter Bomber Anti Tank Mine Violence Military Military Officer Explosion Destruction Submachine Gun Steel Helmet Counter Attack Hand Grenade Killed In Action Military Hospital Exploding Tank Female Nudity Death Machine Gun Bloody Body Of A Child World War Two Nazi Russia American Military As Enemy Lgbt Plus American Actor Plays A Foreigner American Actor Plays A German Character British Actor Plays A Foreigner British Actor Plays A German Character Foreigner Plays A German Character Yugoslav Actor Plays A German Character Female Prisoner Mutilated Child

The movie opens with a German children's song, "Hänschen klein", mixed with black-and-white footage of prewar and war scenes. It then segues to colour and a German platoon raid on a Russian forward outpost led by Sergeant Rolf Steiner, during which his men capture a Russian boy soldier.

An aristocratic Prussian officer, Captain Stransky, arrives as the new commander of Steiner's infantry battalion, which is stationed in the Kuban bridgehead on the Taman Peninsula. Stransky proudly tells the regimental commander, Colonel Brandt, and his adjutant, Captain Kiesel, that he applied for transfer from occupied France to front-line duty in Russia so that he can win the Iron Cross.

When Stransky meets Steiner for the first time, he orders Steiner to shoot the boy prisoner in strict observance of a standing order. When Steiner refuses, Stransky prepares to shoot the boy himself, but at the last moment, Corporal Schnurrbart saves the boy by volunteering to do it and taking him out of Stransky's sight. Later, Stransky informs Steiner that he has been promoted to senior sergeant, and is puzzled by Steiner's nonchalant response. Stransky also discerns that his adjutant, Lieutenant Triebig, is a closet homosexual.

While waiting for an anticipated attack, Steiner releases the young Russian, only to see the boy killed by advancing Soviet troops. As Stransky cowers in his bunker, Lieutenant Meyer, the respected leader of Steiner's platoon, is killed leading a successful counterattack. Steiner is wounded in the same battle trying to rescue a German soldier and is sent to a military hospital to recover. There, he is haunted by the faces of the dead men and the boy (in a dream sequence prior to waking from a coma), and has a romantic liaison with his nurse Eva.

After he has recovered, Steiner is offered a home leave, but decides instead to return to his men. When he arrives, Steiner is informed that Stransky has claimed credit for the counterattack and has been nominated for the Iron Cross. Stransky named as witnesses Triebig (blackmailing him with his homosexuality), and Steiner. Stransky tries to persuade Steiner to corroborate his claim by promising to look after him after the war. Brandt questions Steiner in the hope that he will expose Stransky's lies, but Steiner only states that he hates all officers, even those as "enlightened" as Brandt and Kiesel, and requests a few days to ponder his answer.

When his battalion is ordered to retreat, Stransky does not notify Steiner's platoon. Making their way back through now-enemy territory, the men capture an all-female Russian detachment. While Steiner is busy, Zoll, a despised Nazi Party member, takes one of the women into the barn to rape her. She bites his genitals and he kills her. Meanwhile, young Dietz, left to guard the rest of the women alone, is distracted and killed as well. Disgusted, Steiner locks Zoll up with the vengeful Russian women, taking their uniforms to use as a disguise.

As the men near the German lines, they radio ahead to avoid friendly fire. Stransky suggests to Triebig that Steiner and his men be "mistaken" for Russians. Triebig orders his men to shoot the incoming Germans; only Steiner, Krüger and Anselm survive. Triebig denies responsibility, but Steiner kills him and makes Krüger the platoon leader, telling him to look after Anselm. Steiner then goes hunting for Stransky.

The Soviets launch a major assault. Brandt orders Kiesel to evacuate, telling him that men like him will be needed to rebuild Germany after the war. Brandt then rallies the fleeing troops for a counterattack.

Steiner locates Stransky. But instead of killing him, he hands him a weapon, and offers to show him "where the Iron Crosses grow". Stransky accepts Steiner's "challenge", and they head off together for the battle. The film closes with Stransky trying to figure out how to reload his MP40, while being shot at by an adolescent Russian soldier who resembles the boy soldier released by Steiner. When Stransky asks Steiner for help, Steiner begins to laugh. His laughter continues through the credits, which features "Hänschen klein" again and segues to black-and-white images of civilian victims from World War II and later conflicts.

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