Chase a Crooked Shadow

Chase a Crooked Shadow


At Kimberley Prescott's villa, a stranger shows up and claims he is her brother who supposedly died the previous year in a car accident. Kimberley has trouble convincing anybody that a complete stranger has taken her dead brother's identity.

Released: 1958-01-21
Duration: 01:27:00
Director: Michael Anderson


In her family's Spanish villa, Kimberly Prescott (Baxter), a young South African heiress of a diamond company, is grieving after her father's recent suicide, when she is taken aback by the arrival of a man (Todd) claiming to be her brother Ward, believed to have died in a car accident a few months ago. Kimberly calls the police but the man has a driving licence, passport and letter from the bank in the name of Ward Prescott. Even two photos from upstairs look like the man now in her house. The local police chief, Vargas, leaves, believing Kim to be unstable.

The next day Kim is woken by an unknown woman who says she is Mrs Whitman, a friend of Ward's. Kim's maid has been given time off. A butler has also been installed in the house. Kim attempts to contact Uncle Chan who knows both her and the real Ward, but when Chan finally shows up he greets the imposter as if he were the real Ward. Kim suspects the imposter may be after her inheritance and later in the plot, he and Mrs Whitman try to get Kim to sign a will. However, there is also a conversation whereby "Ward" says he suspects Kim of having stolen diamonds from their late father's company's vault. He has a record of flights she took that leave a gap in her itinerary. Eventually Kim admits she took the diamonds to Tangiers. "Ward" and Mrs Whitman then get her to sign an introduction for "Ward" as her agent to the bank in Tangiers.

Kim tries to escape to the beach house below the main villa. Someone has followed her and she almost shoots him with a spear gun. It is Vargas. She shows him the will and he starts to believe her story. He suggests she provide him with something holding "Ward"'s fingerprints as he cannot fake these. She is able to do this after meeting "Ward" on the terrace. They drink brandy and flirt until "Ward" is on the phone and Mrs Whitman has gone upstairs. Kim goes to the beach house and takes a metal box from the chimney. She sneaks back up to the villa and tries to leave through the front door. Uncle Chan blocks her path.

Her captors take her to the terrace and open the box. With the diamonds on the table they demand she sign the will. Then 'Ward' suggests they go for a swim. Mrs Whitman suggests they take a boat. Kim assumes they plan to drown her and runs into the house. Then Vargas arrives. She begs him to save her as the others have threatened to drown her. She thinks he will reveal the man to be an imposter but he says the fingerprints are a match for her brother. At this point Kim has a meltdown and starts saying that her brother has to be dead "because I killed him". She says she cut the brakes on his car and followed, to see him drive to his death off a cliff. Once she has made this confession it is revealed that "Ward" and Mrs Whitman were undercover police sent to find the missing diamonds and discover the truth behind the real Ward's death.

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