


At a decadent 1930's party, two very sexy and shameless young women, make a bet with a rich and handsome young Baron to corrupt two innocent teenagers in order to ruin their families reputation.

Released: 1986-04-16
Duration: 01:38:00
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director: Pierre B. Reinhard

At a decadent 1930’s party, two very sexy and utterly shameless young women, Nathalie (Veronique Catansaro) and Eiliane (Cornelia Wilms) make a bet with a rich and handsome young Baron to corrupt two innocent teenagers in order to ruin their families’ reputations. The prize on offer is marriage to the wealthy Baron.

The innocent and beautiful Nathalie, the illegitimate child of an aristocrat, seeks revenge on her father, Leroy-Murville (Henri-Jacques Huet). She is hired as the private teacher of her half-sister, sexy Sophie (Katya Strambi), and revenge takes shape using the most depraved teaching methods.

Meanwhile, the seductive Eliane sets out to corrupt the teenage son of Colonel Montvilliers (Andre Nader) using similarly perverse methods.

What you will see in this highly charged Sadean journey into sexual depravity and corruption of the innocent will astound you. Prepare yourself for scenes of masturbation, incest, lesbianism, bondage and all manner of unspeakablly depraved sexual acts, together with a grand display of some of the finest lingerie in this classic example of French erotica.

Previously only available in a heavily censored version, DRESSAGE can finally be appreciated in its fully uncut and sexual glory for the first time.


At a gathering of would-be society debauchees, the Baron Plessis de Regard and the attractive young Nathalie hatch their individual plans to use sex to respectively ruin and punish their selected enemies. The Baron's plan is to scupper the political ambitions of right-wing parliamentary candidate Colonel Montvilliers by setting him up with a sexy female companion and publicly exposing his new-found vices. He chooses Eliane to give private classes for Montvilliers' son, Robert. Nathalie's quest is of a more personal nature, to destroy her estranged father Charles Leroy-Merville by corrupting his innocent 17-year-old daughter Sophie, a task she intends to achieve by securing employ as the girl's summer tutor.

In this French sex comedy,  Baron Plessis du Regard  and Eliane talk at a decadent party in the 1930s. Eliane  reveals that she intends to seek revenge against her father, who abandoned her mother after getting her pregnant many years before.  The Baron  reveals that he, too, has a plan –  to end the career of an up-and-coming politician, Colonel Montvilliers, but will require the assistance of a beautiful woman, in order to do so.  Although several women at the party vie for the job, he selects Natalie.  The seductions will create such a scandal that the father and the Colonel will be ruined.   The Baron, Eliane and Natalie make a pact:  The Baron  will marry the woman who succeeds, making her a Baroness. The women than proceed to try to win the bet. Eliane gets a job in her father’s house educating  his seventeen-year old daughter, Sophie, in the ways of the world in order to corrupt her. Natalie  obtains a job at the Col. Montvilliers ‘s  house as a tutor for the his teenage son, whom she intends to seduce.  Both of them intend to create a scandal.


Pretentious French soft porn, but well-made

The British genre press received this film with hostility when it came out on video in the mid 1990s. Why? This is undoubtedly an exploitation film, more precisely: soft pornography, but it does not fit easily into the usual subgenre classification Eurotrash fans come to expect. Although it is a sex comedy, it isn't one of those silly dim-witted sex comedies so frequently made in Italy, England and Germany in the 1970s. In particular, the film takes the eroticism more seriously than comedies normally do and shows even signs of pretentiousness [you can tell it is a French production], and it is particularly the latter aspect British genre critics seem to find hard to accept. Similarly, there are themes of revenge, humiliation, voyeurism, bondage - but these are treated in a semi-comical way, and the distinctly misogynist appetites harboured by the unpleasanter fans of sexploitation cinema remain unsatisfied.

Overall, this movie is a generally well-made soft porn flick (cinematography, acting, production values - all of good quality) that is less offensive, violent or silly than so many other products of the genre. Therefore, it should be watchable for a mainstream audience when in adventurous mood.

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