It's Him!... Yes! Yes!

It's Him!... Yes! Yes!


Fernando, owner of a large chain store, suffers from worrying dreams: he seems to successfully court saucy women, but just as he is about to win them over, a youngster comes on the scene and steals them from under his nose. One day a young graduate, Walter, turns up in search of work, and since he is almost identical to Fernando's dream rival, the latter thinks to send him packing but after persuasion hires him.

Released: 1951-11-23
Duration: 01:35:00
Genre: Comedy
Genre: Comedy

Fernando (Carlo Campanini) is the owner of a large department store, but suffers from recurring worrying dreams: he seems to successfully court saucy women, but just as he is about to win them over, a youngster comes on the scene and steals them from under his nose. One day a young shy Walter (Walter Chiari) turns up at the shop in search of work, and since he is almost identical to Fernando's dream rival, the latter thinks to send him packing but after some persuasion hires him.

Meanwhile, Fernando's daughter, Grazia (Isa Barzizza), falls in love with Walter at first glance and while hiding her kinship with his boss, begins to frequent him. Walter is hired at the department store and within two days he is a general manager; but Fernando's nightmares continue and he angrily tries to kill Walter. Even Grace, seeing his father's attitude, discharges him throwing him into despair. The doctor then submits Fernando to a session of psychological therapy, from which it emerges that the cause of these nightmares is a wrong done against Walter of which Fernando is responsible: the only way to solve the problem is to recover, giving back to Walter his role as director and imploring his forgiveness.

Clearly Walter does not know what is going on. He finds himself being tossed about here and there, now rejected by everyone, then courted. In the end, exhausted, Walter tries to escape but all the staff look for him and the situation is explained to him. Fernando gives him back his place. Even the beautiful Grazia returns to her senses and decides to marry him. Now, finally, nightmares can only be a bad memory. 

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